Friday, July 25, 2008
Rehoboth - Day 1
6:34 AM
Friday 25 July

Good morning from Rehoboth, Namibia.

We arrived safely yesterday morning with all luggage, around 9:15AM. As we were heading towards the "nothing to declare" exit, the tiny male official quietly pointed his pencil towards the "something to declare" exit, so that is where we headed. We then proceeded into another room where we met up with one of the "beefy chicks" that my buddy Darin Shaw has aptly warned us about when passing through the Windhoek Customs area. After asking a few questions and asking me to pull out a few things I had for Hope's Promise, I did get her to smile during the inquisition and we were allowed to proceed with all contents intact and were greeted on the other side by Sylvia and Friedell.

A bit tired from the travel and flights but ready nonetheless to run a few necessary errands, meet with someone I had done a website for previously and get the Internet access squared away. Our last errand was to the Spar to pick up a few items and head back to Sylvia's. We got here sometime after 4PM.

Most of the conversation yesterday was trying to catch up on things and get updated on things here and in Arandis, relative to Hope's Promise. A prior meeting with Francis, Sylvia's sister, resulted in learning about a vision that Francis has with using her guest lodge for something similar to what a half-way house would be here, for those who suffer from addictions. The focus would be for teens or young adults who struggle with substance abuse and are already incarcerated. This woman has quite the passion and has asked me to assist in helping her formulate a plan. Why me? I have no idea but I guess I'm willing to learn more and give it some thought. Who knows what will come of it.

In an hour or so, we will be heading to the Beads of Promise shop where I will begin working on a few computer systems and Kat will help out with beading some of the jewelry that will eventually be sold from the store or its outlets. But for now, it's time to wake up Kat!
posted by Don @ 1:33 AM  
  • At 8:46 AM, Blogger Brenda said…

    Hi Don! First off....praise God you both made it there safely and didn't have any trouble :)! As you know, Kat does have a little more of Tim in her than me. He loves to joke around customs people and the like. It's not very funny when your next to him in line!
    I have to agree with does look beautiful there. Someday maybe I'll get there but I don't think I'd fair as well as she did on those flights! I hope you got some sleep....for you, 2 hours probably feels like all night :) Keep in touch....I have a vested interest in this trip (ha-ha)! Oh and....good luck waking up Kat!

  • At 12:21 PM, Blogger Darin said…

    Thankful you survived an encounter with the beefy chicks! Praying for you and Kat. Enjoy the time with our friends.

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Name:Don (& Chandre)
Home:Nashua, NH (Arandis, Namibia)
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As you let God's design be worked out in you, you will see its impact in others and for generations.

Sometimes it's not about your ability to do something, but your availability to do it that is more important.

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I should be much more afraid of being mistaken and then finding out that Christianity is true than of being mistaken in believing it to be true. (Pascal)
We all want to get to heaven but nobody wants to die. (Unknown...still looking)
God hasn't given you the events of your life to hold in your own hands. He is allowing you to watch them unfold in His. (Shannon Kubiak, "God Called a Girl")
Faith is the daring of the soul to go farther than it can see. (William Newton Clark)