Saturday, July 26, 2008
Rehoboth - Day 2
5:49 AM
Saturday, July 26

Having come to Rehoboth on the front end of the trip has been different. For previous trips, visting here was at the end of the trip, after having already been to Arandis. It's different in that instead of being able to reflect on the trip, I still look with anticipation towards Monday when we will make our way to Arandis. Rehoboth is different than Arandis, mainly because it only includes one HPOM family and child, Adisha. We hope to be able to visit with them today but what makes it a bit harder is that Adisha doesn't speak English. Nonetheless, that big smile of hers lets us know that she understands and is happy to see us. The others that I hope to see include Maderyna and her daughter Memory. I did not see them my last trip here, and I have yet to meet her daugther Memory, who is just over a year old.

To quickly recap, yesterday was spent mostly at the Beads of Promise shop where Katherine took up beading for the day. (Yes, Brenda and Tim, your daughter does have patience and she woke up just fine!) The bracelet she started in on was quite challenging, I must say and I've posted a link to a video of her patiently beading-away below. Also at the shop were some 'trainees' who had been there for the week, learning how to create some of the different patterns of jewelry sold by BOP. This was their last day and, in gratitude, they wanted to sing a song. According to Sylvia the song was one of gratefulness for Rehoboth, for BOP and for Sylvia for providing this opportunity for them. You can view the movie here.

Around mid-afternoon, Richard took us through Block E, where some of the lower-end housing is located. I say lower end instead of poorer because according to Richard, some of the people here can actually afford better homes but simply choose not to. However, most people are without jobs as the unemployment rate nears 45% here in Rehoboth. And, a section of the block does include a squatters camp, for those who really have nothing. He then took us through Block F and into Block G where there exists a locally funded program that provides potential homeowners with $35,000 (Namibian) to purchase a plot for $5,000 and then use the remainder for the construction of the home as well as other living expenses. Most of these homes are made of concrete block, as opposed to many of the tin-shacks that make up most of Block E. Nonetheless, these "Blocks" are simply different parts of town that were the result of segregating blacks, browns/coloreds and whites.
posted by Don @ 12:49 AM  
  • At 8:12 AM, Blogger Brenda said…

    Nice Video :) Tim and I will watch this video when we need a reminder of her patience :) Thanks again for taking her. She, without a doubt, will learn to have more than she thought she could by the time this trip is through. Hope you get to see Maderyna and Memory.

  • At 11:55 AM, Blogger germaine said…

    too bad we missed you!!! looking forward to comparing notes!! Praying for you!

    Love ~G

  • At 11:48 AM, Blogger Jackie said…

    Hi! Jonah,
    Sounds like it's been a great couple of days in Rehoboth! And you've been hanging out with Friedell quite a bit. Yeah! That's great! I am sure she is loving the company. Wish I could have been there with you. How is my friend Cathlo doing? So excited to see that you found Maderyna and Memory. Wow! Quite the head of hair! Anxious to hear all about that! Soon, off to see Chandre! (How many hours left?) You can show her the pics, too! Thanks for setting up Kat's blog. It is really cool to read her blog everyday. Love being along on the trip! Safe travels to Arandis tomorrow. Hugs to all! Can't wait to hear what Willem tells you about our visit and our dance! : )
    Take lots of pics in Arandis. I miss them already!

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Name:Don (& Chandre)
Home:Nashua, NH (Arandis, Namibia)
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As you let God's design be worked out in you, you will see its impact in others and for generations.

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I should be much more afraid of being mistaken and then finding out that Christianity is true than of being mistaken in believing it to be true. (Pascal)
We all want to get to heaven but nobody wants to die. (Unknown...still looking)
God hasn't given you the events of your life to hold in your own hands. He is allowing you to watch them unfold in His. (Shannon Kubiak, "God Called a Girl")
Faith is the daring of the soul to go farther than it can see. (William Newton Clark)