Sunday, January 21, 2007 |
Sunday morning thoughts |
 21 Jan 2007
When you're greeting them for the first time after a long time and talking with them...
You can see it in their eyes as the tears well up with happiness.
You can hear it in their voices through their smiles.
Coming back to see them and to be with them, help them, listen to them; caring enough to want to come back.
Blessed enough to have it happen.
Those are just a few of the thoughts that are racing through my mind as I try to find a little quiet time to "catch up".
I mentioned to Brenda this morning, about how the children were yesterday; more receptive, talkative and loving. And that's all I said. Then, as if she had already read my blog, she said, "It's because you came back." You know, I never got a hug from Chandre last July when saying goodbye. But yesterday she reached up, pulled my head down and gave me a kiss on the cheek as I was leaving. How will things be when I have to leave again? I won't pretend to think it won't be hard, but I sense that in some way, it will be just a little easier. I think that I and the people here realize that coming back is possible, that it did happen and God willing, it will happen again.
When it comes to coming down with a group versus alone, I do understand the fact that it is likely that I might get more attention since there is no one else to share it with. But I can't say that I mind! Still, it is still hard being away from Karen and the girls and other family members. Once again I was asked when I was going to bring my family with me so everyone could meet them. Wouldn't that be great though...
This morning at the church service I guess I experienced my first "waterless" child baptism. A couple and their infant came forward to express their desire and commitment to bring up the child as a Christian. I thought about Tresford's words, that we as parents have to teach our children to be Christians. That this new parents would now have to start singing Christian music and reading scripture to the infant so that when he grows older, and hears something...he may just think he had heard those words before...a long time ago; so that he would be prepared to assume the responsibility on his own, when he was old enough. Then there was the singing and the music. I don't know if it's the different language, the words or the mystique of hearing African-style music and harmonies that seem to bring a smile to my face every time. Perhaps it's a combination of all three, as well as seeing the couple dozen people who attended this morning's service interact, not just with each other, but with God.
After the church service, I went to the local grocery store, picked up some cheese and a can of hot and spicy mixed vegetables. Not sure what I'll do with the vegetables but I'll figure out something. After that, I went to Brenda's house and talked a bit. Daniel ( her "adopted" son ) would be driving me to the Rossing Uranium Mine. He had to get his uniform and I was going to be taking pictures along the way and outside of the facility. Daniel tried to describe, as best as he could, the process; pointing out the various locations. He is a welder there. The link provided will tell you a bit more about the company if you're interested. Arandis was built to house the workers of the mine and as you can see from the header graphic to this page, it really is just "plopped" into a desert. Nan's house, were I am staying is literally the furthest most house in the town. For pinpoint accuracy type in the headings "22 24 40.29S, 14 58 25.50E" in Google Earth. If you zoom in, you just might see me waving!
She is a person of one doing the work of an army. Keep her in your prayers as well, that she is able to rejuvenate some when she comes back to the States with me on February 1st. Don't think that all of her 6-8 weeks away will be a vacation. Although there will be some family time, she will be traveling across the country making presentation and appeals to current and prospective sponsors and partners. Oh, if you want to see what an Arandis pick-up looks like, I posted a picture of blue one in the gallery.'s another interesting "coincidence"...
Last August, I think it was either Darin or Jackie that mentioned something about an 20 minute piece that ABC did on "The Children Left Behind" due to AIDS/HIV in Africa. Although they did not discuss Okahandja, Rehoboth or Arandis specifically, one might think it could have been. I ended up ordering the segment on DVD and only received it a week or two before I left, even after having ordered it last August. I had honestly forgotten about it. I brought it for Brenda and gave it to her the evening I first arrived. When I saw her the day after, she was extremely excited about going home now. As some of you may know, she was a former Disney Executive and has ties to ABC in New York. She is hoping to get in touch with her ABC contact, bring the segment along and say hey, this is what I am doing in Arandis and Rehoboth. Come down here and we'll show you more; and that it is a very serious problem. She also hopes to be able to use similar material in her search for sponsors and funds for Hope's Promise Namibia.
Hey Brian Raj, if you're out there, Boniface says hello. I heard him laughing hysterially last night from his room. I gave him the video clips of our trip last July and I think the time I heard him all of a sudden "bust a gut" was when the piece came on with you dancing at the back of hall the night of the band played in Arandis. I will be giving him your email so expect to hear from him.
G - what time is the meeting on the 28th?
Oh well, it's time to get back to work. I know I'll have a few pics to put up. In the meantime, here is one of Boniface, Tresford and Pearl after today's service. |
posted by Don @ 8:08 AM  |
Say a special hello to Danial for me. I am glad to hear he has a job, I know it has been tough for him. The GPS location is great to have. I'll add it to my list of Namibia locations.
Don- thank you SO much for your e-mail that picture meant the world to me :-) I love the pictures, they are so great to see how everyone is doing. Thanks for sharing your thoughts in this past entry, I always respect and admire honesty and it is so cool to hear all that God is doing. That's very neat about the video and the connection Brenda might have. Praying for you teammate! <3, amanda PS: I'm kind of addicted to your blog, I kinda understand why everyone was while we were gone now... although I'm sure I could think of a few dance moms who could have me far beat by how many times they check ;-) (cough... jackie! :-)no rivers of tears here, just the occasional eyes filling up and huge smiles for you being able to show me the updates of a place I love and miss so much. Keep serving Him with everything!
Hey Don!!! Loving the posts!!! I've trying to get caught up after the youth retreat... can't wait to check out the pictures!!
That would be wonderful if Brenda could get ABC to do a documentary on Hope's Promise-Namibia!!! I'll be praying for that opportunity!!
I just sent you another e-mail about the meeting.
Talk to you soon!!!
Love ~G
Hi! Don, Loving all of the posts about our friends in Arandis! Just took a look at all of your photo galleries, too. Keep them coming! It's so cool to see you with the kids! How are you doing with the weather?
Two things on my mind for you tonight......
1) It's OK to eat the canned vegetables no matter what color the broth is.........
2) When the time comes to say good-bye to our friends in Arandis, just tell them you & Karen will see them in June! 5 months and counting.........
P.S. Hey! Mandy.....about the river of tears.....that honor goes to Denise Boisvert and I heard she might be coming to the meeting on Sunday with Stephanie! I am probably checking in on this blog just as much as I did in '05! Haha! Every time I leave the house and every time I come back!
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I should be much more afraid of being mistaken and then finding out that Christianity is true than of being
mistaken in believing it to be true. (Pascal)
We all want to get to heaven but nobody wants to die. (Unknown...still looking)
God hasn't given you the events of your life to hold in your own hands. He is allowing you to watch them
unfold in His. (Shannon Kubiak, "God Called a Girl ")
Faith is the daring of the soul to go farther than it can see. (William Newton Clark)
Say a special hello to Danial for me. I am glad to hear he has a job, I know it has been tough for him. The GPS location is great to have. I'll add it to my list of Namibia locations.