Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Two productive days - Part one
23 Jan 2007

It has been a very busy two days here in Arandis. Yesterday, I went to both schools to begin my picture taking for Brenda and HPOM. I also took quite a few video segments. I tried to upload one of my segments (26 megs) this morning before heading out, but realized it would simply take too long. I will try to get some video clips up but at the blazing speed of 49.2 kbps.

Around 11:30 Brenda, Franco, Boniface and I headed into Swakop to run errands. We didn't get back until 4:30 or so. It was quite interesting to think that we had to go to three different stores, the first of which was a hardware store, to try to find a lock for Daniel.

Upon our return, I put my away my groceries and headed to the foster homes to see if I could help out with homework. I ended up helping Elaine with her book covers and then had a few rousing games of tag with some of the children. As per usual, I came home, made a quick dish of pasta and continued updating the computers. I've finally got the routine nailed down:

  • Insert RAM

  • wipe hard drive

  • install windows 2000

  • install an office suite

  • install two CDs worth of games

I've completed eight systems and am currently working on number 9 and 10 tonight (though it is currently 9:58 PM so I'm not sure how far I will get.) We have one of the schools 99.9% outfitted. I say not 100% because the last computer I was acting up when I was testing it with one of the games. I've delivered complete systems to two of the four homes that were earmarked for a system.

With these late nights, mornings come early; though that is nothing different than home. And, while on the topic of seeming like home, one of the things that I have noticed being here alone and not with a group is that I feel I am closer to experiencing the life here that occurs on a day-to-day basis. Alone, I am better able to blend, or be less noticable. I see more of the frustrations, lack-of-patience and challenges that occur. People don't seem to all of a sudden stop talking if I turn the corner, or discuss daily issues. I also am seeing more of the caring, nurturing and fun times as well as I stop in at the foster homes to visit the children at different times. Yesterday, with all the running around, I almost felt like I was back at home, doing the things I needed to do. I felt I was back in "rush" mode. But oddly enough, we were in "rush mode" to simply find and get things that would have been far easier to find and get back home.

Things I've taken for granted.

Once again I have learned how much I have and how much I take for granted. Just talking with Boniface, Chriszelda, Tresford and Fabiola gives me a different perspective and reminds me of all the things with which I have been blessed.

Today, I started my day out at the Talitha-Kumi Christian Academy where I began working on the three systems there, as well as the spare laptop I brought down. I then strolled over to the Talitha-Kumi Pre-school and Kindergarten for more picture taking. While there, I was also the center of a ring-around-the-rosie and lost all my footraces with the pre-schoolers. After that it was back to the Academy building to try to finish up with the systems there. Oh, today I officially became an Arandis driver! Yeah, I know - for you seasoned Africa drivers out there, it's not much driving around Arandis in Brenda's Arandis Pick-up, but hey, it's a start. I did have to keep reminding myself...LEFT, LEFT as I turned each corner! I have also gotten used to shifting with the left hand.

During the early afternoon, as I was working on systems, I had time to spend with Franco. Franco is staying at Brenda's and is sort of like a handyman around HPOM. He's a great guy and, hey Darin...a lover of Mustangs! I told him about your recent episode and he did wince when I got to the part about the branch falling on your baby. Well, he likes all of the old cars from the 60's and 70's, when cars were cars. Franco was putting the new plugs on the power cords for the computers and monitors; something that, although I have done something like that, would have taken me longer. When he was doing the plug for the laptop, he didn't just cut the end like the others. He started shaving away at the rubber/plastic around the ground of the plug. I watched and asked what he was doing. He said this wire was different than the others and he was checking to see which color wire went to the ground. "Computers are expensive and I don't want to blow one up.", is what he said. Honestly, I don't think I would have thought about doing that!

Sometime after 4 PM I took I took a carload of children, and Pearl, home after their afternoon school session. It was then that I delivered the 2nd home computer. I also pulled out the game of Twister that I brought down and sat back, took pictures and videos and laughed alot.
I took individual and family photo's before I left. The pics should be up soon! I reminded the family to really try to use the computer these next couple of days, to see if anything might go wrong, before I leave. Well, a half-hour later, I had my first computer technician call!

I was supposed to be meeting up with Chriszelda tonight. She is one of the teachers at the pre-school. She came here and we walked over a little after 7 for my tech-call. All seemed to be well with the computer...at that time. I offered the ALT-CTRL-DEL solution to get out of any issue that might arise, but to keep watch of what issues might occur. Chriszelda and I then continued our walk and I listened to her as she talked about how she came to Arandis and what some of her hopes and dreams are.
posted by Don @ 4:33 PM  
  • At 6:09 PM, Blogger Lisa Andreasen said…

    It's so wonderful to see the simling faces and her the pay by play of your day and interactions. I feel as though I could jump into the screen and be there.
    Be blessed.

  • At 11:48 PM, Blogger germaine said…

    Hey Don!!
    Sounds like an amazing experience... Glad to hear that you are feeling more and more at home. Did you buy a house yet... :-)~

    Still praying for you!!

    Love ~G

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Name:Don (& Chandre)
Home:Nashua, NH (Arandis, Namibia)
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As you let God's design be worked out in you, you will see its impact in others and for generations.

Sometimes it's not about your ability to do something, but your availability to do it that is more important.

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I should be much more afraid of being mistaken and then finding out that Christianity is true than of being mistaken in believing it to be true. (Pascal)
We all want to get to heaven but nobody wants to die. (Unknown...still looking)
God hasn't given you the events of your life to hold in your own hands. He is allowing you to watch them unfold in His. (Shannon Kubiak, "God Called a Girl")
Faith is the daring of the soul to go farther than it can see. (William Newton Clark)