Tuesday, January 23, 2007 |
Two productive days - Part two |
23 Jan 2007
Chriszelda grew up in Arandis with her Ouma (grandmother), went to school here and now works here. But, like many - even back home in the States - she longs for someplace different. We ended up heading back to the house where we sat, talked and watched a little television with Boniface. We started talking about Etosha and she said, you know, I live here in Africa and the only time I have seen any wild animal is on television. She had never been to Etosha. I pulled out my camera (um, yea...the 1 GIG card holds quite a few pics, even from last year's trip....). I walked her home and as we were walking, she was saying, "I can't wait to get my own car, to drive with the windows down, music loud with Beauty and Precious (her two daughters) in the back seat."
One the way home, I thought again at the many things I take for granted.
Before I headed in, I looked up to find the Southern Cross. I had seen it earlier in the morning, as I was waiting for Sammy to do his business. Oh, Sammy...Nan's dog, um...puppy. For any of you who have ever had a puppy you'll be able to read between those lines. He's a cute little dog, but puppy training is not something that I thought I would ever be doing in Africa. (Listen to me....what am I saying, did I think I would EVER be doing anything in Africa?) But hey, I am here to help.
Anyway, I couldn't make out the Southern Cross tonight because the moon was hanging out and there were also a few clouds in the sky. Sorry Jackie!
Plans for the rest of the week.
Once I finish with the school and family computers, Tresford has 4-5 others at his house that I will also probably look at. That will give me time to hopefully have some one-on-one time with Tresford - to talk about his ministry, Fabiola - to talk about the school, and Pearl - just to talk about anything.
I also would like to visit with Justine and Armando at some point. I know Thursday, Chriszelda would like me to help her look and find stuff on the Internet. I also want to video some of the practices, meetings and events that will be happening before I leave. And, I must not forget that I need to start thinking about putting together a presentation for Brenda and Sylvia to use.
Finally, I just hope to be able to hang more with the children.
Good night.
posted by Don @ 5:33 PM  |
sounds like you're making a lot of progress :-) love the pictures!
Awe man... that's too funny!!
Tell Nan I said hello! :-)
I often think of how much we take for granted even when in country... people think that you go to Africa and elephants are walking down all the streets... right next to the lions, but most Namibians have never seen them... I pray that Chriszelda gets to see them "up close and personal" some day....
Love ~G
Hi Don, I saw you walking the dog while looking at Arandis with google earth just yesterday. good job.
ya, Don... tell Nan I said 'hi' too. Haha
awww!!! don i love the new pics you put up... they are so precious :-)
Darin & G, Nan is not here. She is in the States until the beginning of March.
Hi Don! Your blog is great! I just finally caught up with it. Please tell Justine, Armando, and Fabiola that I said hello. Did they get the letters and books? Were the books helpful? I'm downloading google earth right now to see where you are. Take care!
Nice music that's playing in the Swako slide show! Reminds me of a couple of lions.....
Music? Yikes...? I didn't put it there...guess I better check.
ooooh yaaa!! bomp,bomp.....
Love ~G
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I should be much more afraid of being mistaken and then finding out that Christianity is true than of being
mistaken in believing it to be true. (Pascal)
We all want to get to heaven but nobody wants to die. (Unknown...still looking)
God hasn't given you the events of your life to hold in your own hands. He is allowing you to watch them
unfold in His. (Shannon Kubiak, "God Called a Girl ")
Faith is the daring of the soul to go farther than it can see. (William Newton Clark)
sounds like you're making a lot of progress :-) love the pictures!